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Privacy Policy Statement

SAKE BUDDY (以下簡稱為「我們」、「本公司」或「SAKE BUDDY」)尊重任何使用本公司網頁及移動應用程式的人士或參加SAKE BUDDY的活動或登記使用SAKE BUDDY的服務或網上內容包括但不限於我們合作夥伴的產品及服務(以下簡稱為「服務」) 的人士的私隱權。我們會確保所收集、傳送、儲存及使用的個人資料將遵照香港特別行政區法例第486章《個人資料(私隱)條例》(以下簡稱為「條例」)的規定處理。若提供個人資料予我們,則被視作同意此私隱政策。
你毋須提供任何個人資料以瀏覽或使用本網頁及移動應用程式。當你參加SAKE BUDDY的活動或登記使用我們的服務或網上內容,我們會收集你的個人資料使我們能夠為你提供服務。你可拒絕向我們提供個人資料,但在此情況下,我們可能無法為你提供服務。閣下提供個人資料,即代表閣下同意我們按本私隱政策聲明使用閣下的個人資料。
SAKE BUDDY從你收集所得的個人資料可能會用於以下用途(包括但不限於):
·      識別你的身分及你開設的任何賬戶
·      為你提供服務
·      核實身分及/或作信貸審查
·      代表你處理申請及更新合作夥伴的產品及服務,包括但不限於保險及財務產品
·      代表你處理合作夥伴的產品及服務之保險索償
·      為你處理與服務有關的付款指示或追收欠款
·      讓本網站儲存你的個人資料,以免你每次購買產品或更新保險產品時需要重新輸入相關資料
·      處理訂單、開出賬單及履行訂單
·      直接促銷我們的 服務(詳情見「直接促銷」部份)
·      直接促銷本公司業務夥伴的產品及服務(詳情見「直接促銷」部份)
·      為你設計所需服務
·      進行市場研究、統計分析及行為分析
·      進行節目收視調查及分析
·      進行顧客數據分析及分析你的購物喜好
·      讓你選擇參與我們為你提供的服務的互動功能,包括識別你的朋友,並與他們溝通和分享你的購物體驗
·      就我們的服務或你感興趣的商品或服務向你推薦
·      設計本公司網站及內容,迎合你的特定喜好
·      為你提供客戶服務
·      處理你的投訴及賬戶查詢,對本公司或任何一方之索償及/或訴訟
·      防範及阻止欺詐
·      審計目的
·      按適用法律、規則及規例的規定作出披露
·      任何與收集個人資料的原來目的直接有關之其他用途
SAKE BUDDY所收集的個人資料可能包括(包括但不限於):
1.       你的個人資料及聯絡資料,如姓名、性別、出生日期、身分證號碼、電話號碼、社交媒體連結、電郵地址、住址、郵寄地址及/或寄發賬單的地址;
2.       你的商業資料,如公司的名稱及職銜;
3.       你的賬戶資料,如信用卡賬戶號碼首尾4位數或用戶賬號;
4.       你的家庭收入及個人興趣;及
5.       你的電腦或移動裝置IP地址、即時位置資料、瀏覽器設定、瀏覽紀錄及/或其他互聯網記錄的資料;及
6.       你的電話簿中包含的電話號碼和電子郵件地址(當你使用我們為你提供的服務的互動功)。當你接受我們的服務我們會通知你。當你提供數據給我們,你確認已經從電話簿的聯繫人取得同意。
除非取得你的書面同意,SAKE BUDDY不會為得益而以你的個人資料及聯絡資料進行交易。SAKE BUDDY收集及持有關於你的個人資料均會被保密處理;但若需要按法例的規定或要求而履行法律責任,或為你提供服務,或執行收集個人資料的原來目的或直接有關之目的,本公司有可能會向下述人士披露該等資料(不論其身處香港或香港境外):
·      具管轄權的法院、執法機關、或其他政府法定或監管部門、機構或組織
·      本公司之聯繫公司、合作夥伴、參與服務銷售及市場推廣或行政,或提供貨品╱服務的賣家或承辦商、代理或其他服務供應商
·      本公司之合作夥伴包括但不限於保險公司,此可評估及處理保險產品申新、更新申請、保險索償及和解、提供保險服務及/或處理查詢或投訴
·      任何對本公司有保密責任的其他人士,包括已承諾保密該等資料的公司集團成員、資訊科技顧問、資料處理承辦商、審計師、會計師、或律師
·      銀行、金融機構、保險公司、信用卡發行公司或追收欠款服務公司
SAKE BUDDY將盡一切合理的努力以確保SAKE BUDDY持有的所有個人資料均儲存於可靠穩妥及安全的地方。
若在運作上有需要,本公司會將個人資料轉移至香港特別行政區以外的地方以達到收集此等資料之目的,或直接與其有關之目的。 任何有關的資料轉移都會遵照條例之規定及約束。
除非法律規定要求SAKE BUDDY須保存你的個人資料一段特定的時間,SAKE BUDDY只會將個人資料保存至達到收集個人資料之原來目的,或直接與其有關之目的為止。 
SAKE BUDDY或將向你收集的個人資料用於發送消息、優惠、宣傳及市場報價用途,就此而言,本公司須要取得你的同意。我們可透過電郵、移動應用程式通知、社交媒體連結、短訊、文字/圖像/視像訊息、電話、郵件或傳真等方式聯絡你。本公司持有你的姓名、電話號碼聯絡地址、社交媒體連結、產品及服務組合資料、交易模式及行為、瀏覽紀錄、節目收看習慣、個人興趣,本公司可使用有關資料作直接促銷我們的服務,以及以下我們的業務夥伴的產品及服務,或SAKE BUDDY商戶的產品或服務類別之用,包括但不限於食品及飲料、雜貨、家居用品、個人護理及保健、護膚及化妝品、母嬰用品、寵物用品、電子電器、家品家俬、吃喝玩樂、運動旅行、玩具圖書、電訊、媒體及娛樂、時裝及保險和財務產品類別等你可能感興趣的產品或服務。
使用「曲奇」檔案 (COOKIES)
·      在你瀏覽本網頁及移動應用程式時辨認你的身分
·      取得有關你喜好的資料、查閱及瀏覽行為、網上活動及互聯網的使用情況
·      持續追蹤你購物籃內儲存的項目,協助你通過結賬的手續
·      進行研究及統計分析,協助我們改善服務,更了解訪客及訪客的要求及興趣
·      提供切合你個人興趣的廣告,更有效地進行我們、業務夥伴及廣告商的促銷及廣告計劃
·      使你的網上活動更有效率,體驗更佳
·      使安全措施更嚴密
本私隱政策聲明只適用於本公司網頁及移動應用程式。我們網頁及移動應用程式可能載有通往其他網址及網頁的連線點。 每當你啟動任何此等連線網址,例如點選任何廣告客戶的連線欄目,你即已離開了我們的網址及移動應用程式;而你在離開我們網址及移動應用程式後向任何其他團體提供的任何個人資料或任何其他資料,一概不在本公司的管控範圍內。 你須承擔一切瀏覽或使用其他網址的風險。
如你對SAKE BUDDY之私隱政策有任何疑問,或有意查閱或更正個人資料,你可以書面方式通知我們 




SAKE BUDDY ("WE", "US", "WE", "US" OR "SAKE BUDDY") RESPECTS THE PRIVACY OF ANYONE WHO USES OUR WEBSITE AND MOBILE APPLICATION, OR WHO ATTENDS SAKE BUDDY'S ACTIVITIES OR REGISTERS TO USE SAKE BUDDY'S SERVICES OR ONLINE CONTENT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OF OUR PARTNERS (THE "SERVICES"). We will ensure that the collection, transmission, storage and use of personal data will be handled in accordance with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Chapter 486 of the Laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (the "Ordinance"). By providing personal data to us, you are deemed to have agreed to this Privacy Policy.
The term "personal data" has the meaning ascribed to it in the Ordinance.
Purpose and Use of Personal Data Collected
You are not required to provide any personal data in order to browse or use this website and mobile application. When you attend a SAKE BUDDY event or register to use our services or online content, we collect your personal data to enable us to provide you with our services. You may refuse to provide us with your personal data, but in this case we may not be able to provide you with our services. By providing your personal data, you consent to our use of your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy Statement.
The personal data that SAKE BUDDY collects from you may be used for the following purposes (including but not limited to):
·      To identify you and any accounts you have opened
·      To provide services to you
·      Verification of identity and/or conduct credit checks
·      To process applications and updates on your behalf for our partners' products and services, including but not limited to insurance and financial products
·      Handling insurance claims on your behalf for our partners' products and services
·      To process payment instructions or collect amounts outstanding for you in relation to the Services
·      Let this website store your personal information so that you do not have to re-enter the relevant information every time you purchase a product or update an insurance product
·      To process, invoic, and fulfill orders
·      Direct marketing of our services (see the "Direct Marketing" section for details)
·      Direct marketing of the products and services of our business partners (please refer to the "Direct Marketing" section for details)
·      Design the services you need
·      Conduct market research, statistical analysis and behavioural analysis
·      Conduct program ratings surveys and analysis
·      Conduct customer data analysis and analyze your shopping preferences

·      To give you the option to participate in the interactive features of the services we provide to you, including identifying your friends and communicating and sharing your shopping experience with them
·      To recommend to you about our services or goods or services that may be of interest to you
·      Design our website and content to suit your specific preferences
·      To provide you with customer service
·      To handle your complaints and account enquiries, claims and/or proceedings against the Company or any party
·      Prevent and stop fraud
·      Audit purposes
·      Disclosure in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations
·      Any other purpose directly related to the original purpose for which the personal data was collected
Categories of Personal Data Collected
The personal data collected by SAKE BUDDY may include (including but not limited to):
1. Your personal information and contact information such as name, gender, date of birth, identity card number, telephone number, social media links, email address, residential address, mailing address and/or billing address;
2. Your business information, such as company name and title;
3. Your account information, such as the first and last 4 digits of the credit card account number or user account number;
4. Your household income and personal interests; and
5. Your computer or mobile device IP address, real-time location data, browser settings, browsing history and/or other Internet log data; and
6. Phone numbers and email addresses contained in your phone book (when you use the interactive features of the services we provide to you). We will notify you when you accept our services. When you provide us with data, you confirm that you have obtained consent from the contact person in the phone book.


Confidentiality, disclosure and security of personal data
UNLESS WE HAVE YOUR WRITTEN CONSENT, SAKE BUDDY WILL NOT USE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION AND CONTACT DETAILS FOR PROFIT. Personal data collected and held about you by SAKE BUDDY will be treated confidentially; However, if it is necessary to comply with a legal obligation as required or required by law, or to provide services to you, or to carry out the original or directly related purposes for which the personal data was collected, the Company may disclose such data to the following persons (whether they are located in or outside Hong Kong):
·      A court, law enforcement agency, or other governmental statutory or regulatory authority, agency, or organization of competent jurisdiction
·      The Company's affiliates, partners, sellers or contractors, agents or other service providers involved in the sale and marketing or administration of services, or the provision of goods/services
·      The Company's partners include, but are not limited to, insurance companies, which may assess and process insurance product applications, renewal applications, insurance claims and settlements, provide insurance services and/or handle enquiries or complaints
·      Any other person under a duty of confidentiality to the Company, including members of the corporate group, information technology consultants, data processing contractors, auditors, accountants, or lawyers who have undertaken to keep such information confidential
·      Banks, financial institutions, insurance companies, credit card issuers or debt collection service companies
Any questions, comments, suggestions or information transmitted by you or posted on our website or any part of the website, other than personal data, shall be deemed to be voluntarily provided to the Company in the form of non-confidential and non-proprietary information. We reserve the right to use, copy, disclose, transmit, publish and/or post such information elsewhere at our sole discretion, including but not limited to providing such information to any associated company for the purpose of developing and promoting the Services and meeting customer needs.


We will endeavour to keep all personal data we collect confidential. However, please understand that it is not possible for us to guarantee the security of the transmitted data.
If you purchase insurance products or other products or services from our partners, your personal data will be transferred to the partners and your personal data will be used, processed and retained in accordance with the partners' privacy policies. This is beyond our control. For details, please refer to the Partner's Privacy Policy.
Transfer of personal data outside Hong Kong
If necessary for its operation, the Company will transfer personal data outside the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to achieve the purposes for which such data were collected or for purposes directly related to it. Any such data transfer will be subject to the provisions and restrictions of the Ordinance.
Retention of Personal Data
If you choose or provide a user identification code, password or any other information as part of your security procedures, you must treat such information as confidential. You may not disclose it to any third party. If your mobile phone number is used for account login, you should ensure that your mobile phone number is changed or returned to the mobile operator by logging into your account in the "Account Information" to update it in a timely manner. This is important to ensure that your account information is not accessed by third parties who may have gained the right to use the mobile phone number you have returned. You are responsible for protecting your account in this particular way. We do not accept any responsibility for this.
Unless required by law to retain your personal data for a specified period of time, SAKE BUDDY will only retain personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the original purpose for which the personal data was collected or for a purpose directly related to it. 

Direct Marketing
SAKE BUDDY MAY USE THE PERSONAL DATA COLLECTED FROM YOU FOR THE PURPOSE OF SENDING MESSAGES, OFFERS, PROMOTIONS AND MARKET OFFERS, IN WHICH CASE WE NEED YOUR CONSENT. We may contact you by email, mobile application notification, social media links, SMS, text/image/video message, telephone, mail or fax. The Company holds your name, telephone number, contact address, social media links, product and service portfolio information, transaction patterns and behavior, browsing history, viewing habits, personal interests, and may use such information for direct marketing of our services and the following products and services of our business partners, or the product or service categories of SAKE BUDDY merchants, including but not limited to food and beverages, groceries, household products, personal care and wellness, skin care and cosmetics, maternal and baby products, Products or services that may be of interest to you, such as pet supplies, electrical and electronic appliances, household furniture, eating and drinking, sports travel, toys and books, telecommunications, media and entertainment, fashion and insurance and financial product categories.
If you do not wish to receive any direct marketing communications from us and our partners, you may update your preferences at any time via your registered account or the unsubscribe link provided by us. Upon receipt of your notice, we will cease to use your personal data for direct marketing purposes without charging you for doing so.


A "cookie" file is a small text file that is stored on your computer (or other electronic device) when you access our websites and mobile applications. We use "cookie" files on this page in order to:
·      To identify you when you visit this website and mobile applications
·      To obtain information about your preferences, viewing and browsing behavior, online activities and internet usage
·      Keep track of the items stored in your basket to help you get through the checkout process
·      To conduct research and statistical analysis to help us improve our services and better understand our visitors and their requirements and interests
·      To provide advertisements tailored to your individual interests and to conduct our promotions and advertising programmes with our business partners and advertisers more effectively
·      Make your online activities more efficient and experienced
·      Make security tighter
The information we obtain using "cookies" may not contain your personal data. Although we may obtain information about your computer or other electronic devices (such as IP address, browser settings, browsing history and/or other Internet log data), it may not be able to identify you. As non-personal data is mixed with personal data, we treat such data as personal data for the purposes of our Privacy Policy. In certain circumstances, we may collect your personal data, but only if you voluntarily provide it by completing the online form or when you purchase goods or use the Services on our websites and mobile applications.
If you do not allow the use of cookies, you can make adjustments on your Internet browser and electronic device. If you disable cookies, you acknowledge that you may not be able to use certain features of our web and mobile applications.

Connect to the web
This Privacy Policy Statement only applies to our website and mobile applications. Our web pages and mobile applications may contain links to other websites and web pages. Whenever you launch any such URL, such as clicking on any advertiser's link section, you have left our URL and mobile application; Any personal data or any other information you provide to any other party after leaving our website and mobile application is beyond our control. You do so at your own risk in accessing or using other websites.
Access to and Correction of Personal Data
If you have any questions about SAKE BUDDY's Privacy Policy, or wish to access or correct your personal data, you may notify us in writing.

This Privacy Policy is reviewed periodically and updated on the Website.
最近更新日期 / Date of last update:2024年3月

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